Wednesday 29th May 2020
Hi! let me begin by saying that we at NRgetic hope you are all safe and in good health, we hope that you are all keeping up with your fitness and maintaining your focus in these worrying times.
I would also take this time to apologise for the lack of updates on whats been happening here at NRgetic, due to the on-going lockdown situation with COVID19.
However NRgetic have been creating ways to keep you staying fit and healthy, by detailed easy to follow workout videos here on site and on YouTube, we hope that this will keep you staying fit and active through the current circumstances.
During the current lockdown NRgetic have been delivering 1:2:1: on-line sessions here in the UK and abroad. This has been successful and very rewarding.
NRgetic sees 1:2:1: on-line training as the future way forward as globally more and more people are looking alternative ways to train, and will continue to deliver this service alongside its existing park, gym, home, outdoor or indoor 1:2:1 training
For more information about 1:2:1: Personal Training check out or email
Personal Training Update
Thursday 4th June 2020
Hi, guys hoping you’re all safe and well out there and in good health. I also hope that you all are keeping yourselves fit as best you can.
Well at last there is a little light at the end of the tunnel🤞we are now allowed to start back outdoor training although social distancing still applies.
Nrgetic is no open for Personal Training and will take bookings via the website or by phone, we are committed to a safe training environment for our clients to train in.
However we are not at present open for massage treatments due to the present circumstances but will keep you updated of any changes hopefully in the near future.
Important Update:
Updated: 23 03 2020
In support of government advice to help fight the Corona Virus, I am temporarily closed from Friday 20th March for any personal training sessions.
I look forward to seeing you again in the gym or park as soon as possible.
I have come to know and love the dedication of my members, something that makes my jobs awesome – thank you so much.
Please keep in touch with us and enjoy the home workouts that i have shown you until we can meet again in the club.
Thanks for making exercise a part of your life - physical and mental resilience has never been more important. It’s been brilliant for me to be able to serve you so far, and we hope we can do so again really soon.